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Contribution to Socio-Political Dialogue







Dialogue with our Stakeholders

Our company is in close contact with numerous, and in terms of their interests, very different stakeholder groups. Their expectations and needs are vitally important to our business and the development of our neighborhoods. We see ourselves as a bridge-builder between various interest groups and put great stock in enabling exchanges between equals. In line with our responsibility as the largest private provider of homes in Europe, we consider ourselves a hub for ideas and thus actively participate in creating the best mutual solutions for living together in our neighborhoods.

Our main tool for exchanges with stakeholders is our Corporate Communications department. It is directly available for stakeholders every day and ensures a uniform internal and external presentation. Communication through social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram has become increasingly important for us in recent years. We use social media widely and specifically to keep our stakeholders informed.

The Public Affairs department maintains connections with politicians and stakeholders. This department is responsible for analyzing who our material stakeholders are, and updating the analysis annually.

In addition, our departments or the local colleagues in the neighborhoods in particular react to specific and target Group-related communication occasions and engage in dialogue with our stakeholders. For instance, the Investor Relations departement is responsible for exchanges with shareholders and analysts, while the Procurement department handles communication with suppliers and service providers. This allows us to meet the needs and fulfill the demands of our stakeholders.

Annually updated stakeholder analysis
Decentralized, needs-based communication with various stakeholder groups

Two of the main stakeholder groups are our tenants (see Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality) and those representing their interests, such as tenant associations. Our relationships with these important stakeholders groups goes far beyond just providing homes. As a neighborhood developer, we also plan infrastructure and green spaces and see ourselves as a designer of integrated habitats. We take as many requests and suggestions from tenants, cities and municipal authorities into account as possible when planning our work. We therefore inform them of our plans ahead of time, in addition to inviting them to discuss projects and take an active role in shaping them (see Dialogue with Tenants and Participation).

Other material stakeholder groups include our employees (see Appeal as an Employer), shareholders and analysts (see Appeal on the Capital Market), political parties, suppliers and service providers (see Human Rights Due Diligence and Supply Chain), media and social organizations and social, environmental and climate associations (see Integration, Diversity and Social Cohesion).

We also engage in professional dialogue with other companies, associations, research institutes and universities – regarding housing industry, energy-related and construction-related topics. We look into topics, discuss different points of view and form interest groups. Whenever there are legislative processes, we actively communicate with similarly affected stakeholders. When it comes to specific topics, such as the labor shortage, we find valuable contacts in the chamber of industry and commerce to look for mutually beneficial solutions.

Diligent, regular and constructive dialogue with our stakeholders is important to us. In order to make sure the exchanges remain intact, we perform regular quality control and continually develop our exchange formats.

Selected Memberships in Industry Associations and Initiatives

As a major and responsible player in the field of housing, Vonovia discusses the issue on a regular basis with policymakers and wider society. In line with our guidelines we are non-partisan when it comes to politics. We therefore do not make any donations to political parties. We are always completely transparent with political and social stakeholders. Business meetings with a political dimension are exclusively coordinated with Corporate Communications, and may only be attended by the authorized individuals defined in the Group guideline. We comply with the lobby register regulations at European level in some state parliaments, where legally required and established, and especially the German Bundestag. Vonovia is not a part of any national or international associations, and does not partner with state institutions.

No donations to political parties

However, we are active in a number of residential and property management associations, contributing to the strengthening of the property management sector in Germany. In Germany, Vonovia is therefore represented across political parties in the economic forums of the CDU, SPD, FDP and Bündnis 90/Die Grünen political parties. We are also involved in several initiatives aimed at protecting the climate. The merger with Deutsche Wohnen has resulted in more memberships for Vonovia for such engagement, and these will be evaluated over the course of 2023.

Wherever we consider it useful, we take a stand especially with regards to ecological issues relating to housing and discuss these with representatives from the economy, research and politics. We have established a dialogue format for this purpose. We present the political suggestions and demands that result at our own professional conferences. In 2019/2020 we discussed the “Outlook for Climate-neutral Living,” in 2022 the focal point was “Perspectives on the Future of Construction” (see Sustainable Construction and Refurbishment). We publish our political demands derived from this dialogue and professional conferences in conference brochures available online on the event’s websites.

Vonovia’s Memberships in the 2022 Reporting Year (Excluding Deutsche Wohnen)

  • EPRA European Public Real Estate Association
  • UN Global Compact
  • AGV Arbeitgeberverband der Deutschen Immobilienwirtschaft e. V.
  • AGW Arbeitsgemeinschaft Großer Wohnungsunternehmen
  • DDIV Dachverband Deutscher Immobilienverwalter e. V.
  • DENEFF – Deutsche Unternehmensinitiative Energieeffizienz
  • Deutscher Verband für Wohnungswesen, Städtebau und Raumordnung e. V.
  • Deutsches Aktieninstitut e. V.
  • DIRK Deutscher Investor Relations Verband e. V.
  • GdW Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen e. V.
  • Initiative Wohnen.2050 e. V.
  • Initiativkreis Ruhr
  • Institut für Corporate Governance in der deutschen Immobilienwirtschaft e. V.
  • InWIS Forschung und Beratung – Förderverein e. V.
  • KlimaDiskurs. NRW e. V.
  • Open District Hub e. V.
  • Stiftung KlimaWirtschaft (German CEO Alliance for Climate and Economy)
  • Verein der Freunde und Förderer der EBZ School e. V.
  • vhw – Bundesverband für Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung e. V.
  • ZIA Zentraler Immobilien Ausschuss e. V.
  • Austrian Prop Tech Initiative (ATPI)
  • buildingSMART Austria
  • Digital Findet Stadt
  • FGW – Forschungsgesellschaft für Wohnen, Bauen und Planen
  • Fiabci – Austria
  • klimaaktiv – Klimaschutzinitiative des österreichischen Bundesministeriums für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie
  • Österreichische Gesellschaft für nachhaltige Immobilienwirtschaft (ÖGNI)
  • Österreichischer Verband der Immobilienwirtschaft
  • respACT – Austrian Business Council for Sustainable Development
  • WIFO – Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung
  • Återbruksnätverket Öst
  • BeBo – Energimyndighetens nätverk för energieffektiva flerbostadshus
  • Fastighetsägarna
  • Linköpingsinitiativet
  • Sveriges Allmännytta
  • Allmännyttans klimatinitiativ