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Supervisory Board

The current Supervisory Board consists of twelve members. The Annual General Meeting of May 9, 2018, elected ten members for a statutory term of office, and the Annual General Meeting of April 29, 2022, elected two members for a three-year term of office.

Jürgen Fitschen


Senior Advisor at Deutsche Bank AG

Prof. Dr. Edgar Ernst

Deputy Chairman

Self-employed management consultant

Burkhard Ulrich Drescher (until April 29, 2022)

Managing Director of Innovation City Management GmbH

Vitus Eckert

Attorney, Partner in Wess Kux Kispert & Eckert Rechtsanwalts GmbH

Jürgen Fenk (since April 29, 2022)

Chief Executive Officer of Primonial REIM, Paris

Self-employed management consultant as of January 31, 2023

Dr. Florian Funck

Chief Financial Officer of Franz Haniel & Cie. GmbH

Dr. Ute Geipel-Faber

Self-employed management consultant

Matthias Hünlein (since April 29, 2022)

Managing Director of Tishman Speyer Properties Deutschland GmbH

Daniel Just

Chairman of Bayerische Counterargument

Hildegard Müller

President of the German Association of the Automotive Industry e.V.

Prof. Dr. Klaus Rauscher (until April 29, 2022)

Self-employed management consultant

Dr. Ariane Reinhart

Member of the Management Board of Continental AG

Clara-Christina Streit

Member of Supervisory/Administrative Boards

Christian Ulbrich

President and Chief Executive Officer of Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated

Supervisory Board Committees

Executive and Nomination Committee

Jürgen Fitschen, Chairman
Matthias Hünlein (since May 3, 2022)
Hildegard Müller
Prof. Dr. Klaus Rauscher (until April 29, 2022)
Dr. Ariane Reinhart
Clara-Christina Streit

Audit Committee

Prof. Dr. Edgar Ernst, Chairman
Burkhard Ulrich Drescher (until April 29, 2022)
Vitus Eckert
Jürgen Fenk (since May 3, 2022)
Dr. Florian Funck

Finance Committee

Clara-Christina Streit, Chairwoman
Dr. Ute Geipel-Faber
Jürgen Fitschen
Daniel Just
Christian Ulbrich